Right now, there is something calling to you.
Right now, there is something pulling you away from that calling.
You’re starting to imagine what it would look like to take that first step.
You’re starting to imagine your life if you never take that first step.
You wonder what your family and friends will think if you do it.
You wonder what you will think if you don’t.
You ponder what will go right.
You ponder what could go wrong.
You’re asking yourself, “What if it doesn’t work out?”
You’re not yet asking yourself, “What if it works out?”
What I’ve learned is that standing still can be a form of quitting.
This is why you should go after what you want.
So go ahead.
Get on that bus.
Fill up the gas tank.
Or, get on that plane.
Answer the calling.
When in doubt, remember that there’s always a flight home.
Even if you never take it.